Moravský Vaječný Tradiční won the product testing

Moravský Vaječný Tradiční vyhrál i test Černých ovcí

Are you about to buy eggnog? When you look at similar products in the shop, remember that Moravský Vaječný Tradiční is not only trusted by tens of thousands of customers but its quality was confirmed in a product testing of the respected consumer TV show called Černé Ovce by Česká Televize.

In the evaluation of ten products, Moravský Vaječný Tradiční was an absolute winner. Its aroma, taste, appearance, and consistency were awarded by an imaginary gold medal by consumer representative Renata Konopásková and a TV presenter Stanislava Lekešová. The same opinion was held by the professional juror Radim Janoušek, who is the director of the Bartender Institute. The Bartender Institute is an educational institution for job seekers who want to work as bartenders and baristas

As Radim Janoušek said, eggnog is a synonym of home comfort and Metelka’s eggnog can guarantee this. Moravský Vaječný Tradiční is really inspired by the Metelka’s family recipe unlike some other eggnog brands. Metelka’s eggnog contains 120 grams of egg yolks per litre which is a very important quality for the taste of the product.

The evaluation of eggnogs can be viewed in the archive of the TV program Černé ovce on the web of Česká televize →