How good can be a combination of heavy cream and whisky you will find out when you try Milky Whisky Flavour. You will quickly discover that you will not be left in doubt for a second. Remeber Scotland, even though you don’t wear a kilt. Get to know a drink called Inflated Barrel or experience Tsunami by yourself! This low-alcohol drink has delicate milky whisky aroma and flavour. This liqueur contains a large portion of a whisky distillate which has been aged in oak casks for at least 3 years.

Inflated Barrel
4 cl Milky Whisky, strawberries
2 cl Milky Coconut
1 dl starwberry juice
Preparation Mixer/Blander.
Type of glass Of your choice/Fancy glass.
Directions Put crushed ice in a blender, add ingredients and blend everything for about 20 sec. Pour everything into the glass and garnish it with a strawberry.

4 cl Milky Whisky
2 dl pineapple juice
Preparation Into the glass/Build-in.
Type of glass Long/Highball glass.
Directions Add some ice cubes and Milky Whisky Flavour into the glass. Then pour pineapple juice in.